Tag Archives: England

Corsetry Class in England

Viewing Historical vs. Modern corsetry hardware:

Two of my friends were taking this course and last minute I decided I really wanted to get to London so I signed up with a week and a half notice. I booked my flight after arranging to stay with a friend during the class. Last year I visited England for the first time but did not get into London to visit museums so this time around I spent the entire trip in London! The first six days I had the privilege of learning about historical corsets from the 1880-90s. Here is the class description from The Historical School of Dress:

6 Day Course – 22nd to 27th June
Students will learn how to take measurements and draft a
pattern from an original published pattern. Each student will
make a toile and work a sampler using the appropriate
materials and stitched on mechanical sewing machines.
Details such as flossing, fitting metal eyelets and steam moulding
will be covered. Tutor: Luca Costigliolo”

Here are some of the photos showing the class setting on the first day looking at historical extant corset examples as well as looking at hardware and supplies that are currently available for corsetry:




*All images taken by me with permission and shown courtesy of The School of Historical Dress